COVID-19 Update
We are currently facing unprecedented times of uncertainty. LBN, as a privately-run family business would like to remind all of the public to follow the government guidelines and advice in whichever country they are in during these awful times.
Matthew and I are adhering to the new rules in place and want to give our huge thanks to the NHS staff, medical teams around the world and key workers looking after the global population. As a logistics and supply chain consultancy, we understand the demand and challenges within the sector in this current crisis and are offering free consultancy to any business.
We have over 40 years of experience in the industry and understand how critical the movement and supply of goods are especially during an emergency of such an unprecedented nature.
LBN, as a business understand the suffering of other SME’s and every worker in households across the UK and the government working with businesses to get supplies to the UK population and key workers.
Our business is extremely proud of the UK’s efforts and every country in this crisis and LBN will always strive to help, in any way, logistics and supply chain for businesses large and small.
Whilst we are working remotely in accordance to the government/medical expert’s guidance, we are available to assist through our web chat, email, LinkedIn and we will be setting up a WhatsApp channel imminently.
Please contact us should you require any services.
#Stay Home/Save lives/Protect the NHS
Keep safe everyone!
All the best,
LBN by Phelpsey Ltd